Thursday, 4 April 2013

D is for Detty

Detty is what my niece calls me. Its not quite Becky, but it fits. sortof.

My nieces and nephews have come up with a lot of weird and wonderful words over the years.

My favourites being

  • Bana  = Banana
  • Welwet = Velvet
  • Geep = Sleep
  • Sleetober = sleepover
  • Odger = orange
  • The Archbishop of Canterbury was "Theres no fish in the country"
  • Horse Carrousel Ride was the Hot Caramel Ride
  • Pingy = penguin
  • Pointing = Anything that Lily wants
When I was little I probably did this a bit too. I made up song lyrics in my head, which now sound ridiculous.

What words did you make up when you were little? Any gems? 


  1. And a partridge in a pear tree = And a party ginger pear tree.

    That's the only one Mum can remember.

    Sarah had 'dowie' for 'that' but I think that was because she was always having to speak around a dummy.

    (Happy birthday by the way x)

  2. Haha. Those are funny. I couldn't pick a favorite, but Hot Caramel Ride is pretty good!

  3. My nephew invented "meaniac." I take it to be a combo of meany and maniac.

  4. We live by the erie canal and whenever we go for a walk along it my little one says it's the ribber, the ribber. I love that one.

  5. Haha, thats a good one maahew - I love meaniac - i think i might incorporate it into my daily life :)

  6. your niece sounds like a cutie too. if your is anything like my family, it will now be called the ribber forever!
