Monday, 8 April 2013

G is for German tid bits

Guten Abend!

I think tongue twisters are hard enough, but here's one in German for you:

Zungenbrecher (tongue twister)

Schnecken erschrecken
Wenn Schnecken an Schnecken lecken
Weil zum Schrecken vieler Schnecken
Schnecken nicht schmecken
Snails get frightened
When snails lick snails
Because to the dismay of many snails
Snails don't taste good

Also, some exciting tid bits of info include:
Gnomes are supposed to be Germans in little red hats
Angela Merkel has a barbie doll named after her
When JFK visited Berlin, he infamously said “Ich bin ein Berliner,” which also translates to “I am a jam doughnut. ir jelly donut, for all the americans out there 
The Christmas tree (Tannenbaum) tradition came from Germany.
Heinz did categorically not make pasta swastikas during the 20s

And snappy das kleine krokodyl, is a song every person should know.

Do you know any interesting tongue twisters or german facts? 


  1. Are your interesting facts true? Are Germans gnomes in red hats? No wait I mean are Gnomes Germans in red hats??? Why???How weird and wonderful!!!! I find that a seriously cool fact!!! How??? How do you know this??? So cool!!!!

  2. I love the tongue twister! (Haven't decided whether I like the sound of the German, or the bizarre translation more though)

  3. lol to both! i think the fact is true - it wouldnt be a fact if it wasnt! although the internet does lie a lot....

    i know i loved the tongue twister! i feel the message is apt. im not fond of licking snails either
