Sunday 7 April 2013

F is for Fridges


Yes fridges.

When i lived in Poland, my lodgings did not have a fridge,

instead, we used the window sill.

We tried with ALL our power to get one. But apparently, in Poland, all fridges are mightily expensive!!!

so i did without one for a WHOLE YEAR! talk about going back to the dark ages.

I now have uttermost respect for fridges, and bow down whenever i see one.

Those with ice machines, and water coolers are just even more special and should really be knighted.

The problem with using the window sill in poland, is perhaps not what you would think.

in the winter months, it worked up to a point. but we soon found that it was more like a freezer, and in fact all the vegetables, water, and products froze outside. so they couldnt be eaten anyway. in the summer months, they boiled away, and were soiled within a day.

all this meant was that you had to eat by the day, and own plenty of pickles.

Technological inventions really make the world a better place.

Do you have any items that you could no longer do without? 


  1. I think we should all trying living somewhere where we're suddenly deprived of a luxury item we take for granted (me included seeing as I've never done it).

    I'm ashamed to say it but I probably couldn't live without the internet, particularly sites like facebook and twitter because I can't not look at them ALL THE TIME!

  2. I couldn't do without my iphone. Well actually thats no true because I guess I did when it was stolen but I wasn't happy about it.....I am not ashamed to say I cried. My poor baby! Anyway yes iphone and the power shower! And probably the fridge too! x
